Hoya carnosa might be one of the most common and well known of the Hoyas, but for me it's definately a favourite. This plant is particularly nice because it is twining high up in the pergola and you can get a good view of the flowers as they hang down.
Wow, lucky you Roy. Mine flowered for me the first time this year and it was just gorgeous, and pretty prolific too compared to some of my other hoyas! Can you smell it from there or is it too high up?
Lovely carnosa blooms Roy!...I bet they smell nice...
I did climb up to have a smell. To me it had a musk sort of fragrance if that makes sense. I'm probably not the best in the world at describing fragrance.
My Hoya Carnosa (passed down to me from my great, great grandmother) is suddenly dying! It has leaves that are turning yellow on one whole side. I wondered if it is getting too MUCH sunlight? It's in a window with southern exposure and snow reflection. Help?
i have this flower my house.... in brazil... it's wonderfull flower..
Hi there! I am so excited, I had no clue that this plant was going to produce such unbelievable flowers. Here in Canada, we are lucky to grow any houseplants without alot of fussing. I had not clue that the plant was going to flower until my husband, with his keen sense of smell, smelled it from across the room and went looking for something spilled! what a lovely surprise!
Never thought of putting the Hoya to hang on a pergola so I'm going to try it since I've been planting outdoor climbers to cover my pergola for the past 2 years. Currently I have a clematis and climbing rose so this will be a nice addition.
I got my first Hoya from my father and I had no idea what it was. I was told when it matured it would produce these small delicate fragrant flowers which gives off its scent at night time. I was unsuccessful for many years but that's probably due to the fact that my Hoya was still too young. When the flower first developed I was so happy. I searched high and low to identify this plant and know I know all about it. It is a very easy plant to maintain - water and lots of sunlight.
My original Hoya got to huge and twingy that I had to clip it down recently and I'm starting new plants with all the clippings.
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