I really couldn't tell you how many different Hoyas I have in my collection. So I thought over the next few weeks I'd try and post a picture of each one and count them in the process. I'll start with the ones that have flowered, not necessarily in order of flowering or in alphabetical order, I'm not that organised unfortunately. So here we go....... from top left to right. Because they will be in collage nine at a time, you may prefer to click on the picture for a larger view and click again for larger still.
I hope it's not too boring.
1 H. pubicalyx "pink silver."
2 H. gracilis.
3 H. carnosa.
4 H. bella. ( albomarginate form)
5 H. subquintuplinervis.
6 H. C.V. "Minibelle."
7 H. lacunosa.
8 H. Kerrii.
9 H. Pachyclada.