Sunday, January 14, 2007

H. subquintuplinervis has flowered again.

When I first started growing Hoyas, I can remember reading that one had to be careful not to remove the peduncle because the plant would invariably flower again at the same point. I thought at the time that must mean in the next season. So I've been pleasantly surprised to have three of my Hoyas flower twice on the same peduncle within a month. At the moment H. carnosa is repeat flowering too. It would be great if I could get a seed pod, the two plants are close by so the bees might do a little something.


  1. Is there any possible way to try and use human intervention for pollination?

  2. Anonymous11:34 AM

    well this is not a comment but I think this is a beautiful plant..I had one years ago and was wondering if you could tell me where i would find one now...I have recently moved to a new location and in the process of trying to get my plants back and growing..... Thank you....
