Friday, January 19, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
H. subquintuplinervis has flowered again.
When I first started growing Hoyas, I can remember reading that one had to be careful not to remove the peduncle because the plant would invariably flower again at the same point. I thought at the time that must mean in the next season. So I've been pleasantly surprised to have three of my Hoyas flower twice on the same peduncle within a month. At the moment H. carnosa is repeat flowering too. It would be great if I could get a seed pod, the two plants are close by so the bees might do a little something.
More Hoyas
28. H. australis ssp. australis.
29. H. australis ssp. tenuipes.
30. H. australis "Brookfield" ( David L. lists this one as the best)
31. H. australis "Bamboo Range" Qld.
32. H. arnottiana.
33. H. picta.
34. H. loherii.
35. H. bhutanica.
36. H. obscura.
For best view click on picture, and then click again for larger still.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
More Hoyas again.
Friday, January 05, 2007
More Hoyas.
I'll try and fit in little bits of Hoya news in between my effort to catalogue all the Hoyas.
For anyone who was able to read my post "rescued Hoya" I visited the nursery that had the sick hoya. Sadly it has gone..... I hope the man took my advice and took a cutting, but I think that may have been too late. This was definately one hoya that didn't thrive on neglect.
So on to the list... The first two on the collage are the only other ones that have flowered so far. So hopefully lots more to look forward to.
10. H. hueschkeliana. "Pink"
11. H. tsangii.
12. H. serpens.
13. H. magnifica.
14. H. pauciflora.
15. H. odorata.
16. H. naumanii.
17. H. mindorensis.
18. H. Aff. rubida.
For anyone who was able to read my post "rescued Hoya" I visited the nursery that had the sick hoya. Sadly it has gone..... I hope the man took my advice and took a cutting, but I think that may have been too late. This was definately one hoya that didn't thrive on neglect.
So on to the list... The first two on the collage are the only other ones that have flowered so far. So hopefully lots more to look forward to.
10. H. hueschkeliana. "Pink"
11. H. tsangii.
12. H. serpens.
13. H. magnifica.
14. H. pauciflora.
15. H. odorata.
16. H. naumanii.
17. H. mindorensis.
18. H. Aff. rubida.