Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hoya Pachyclada.

This is a Hoya that comes from North EasternThailand and is a slow growing succulant variety. It has white highly perfumed flowers, so I was quite thrilled to see the buds appearing. It is one of the more expensive Hoya's but well worth it. Providing the plant grows well and stays healthy we can expect to harvest some cuttings in future years. It can be quite a heavy plant due to the thickness of its leaves and it is said to trail rather than climb for this reason. Keep watching, I hope it blooms successfully.


  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    H. pachyclada is so must be excited about it grow hoyas outside like you do must be such a treat...

  2. Yes we are fortunate to be able to grow them outside Sandy, we've got them growing on trellises up trees and all over the place really. Together with all the other tropical plants I'd like to create a jungle effect hopefully. I should do a list of what I've got for the blog. As time goes on, no doubt some will do better than others. Most of the plants are fairly new, so I don't think there will be a lot blooming this Summer.
