During last winter the Green Shop at Clayfield were having a sale, so I managed to pick up this huge Hoya ( simply labelled Hoya species) for $15 . It took me an hour to untangle it, divide it up and take cuttings. I got three good sized plants from it plus cuttings. From checking different websites I concluded it may be Hoya Shepherdii, and a few people more knowledgeble than myself think so too. Sandy from Hoyas etc. also suggested possibly Hoya CV Minibelle. Well..... one of the smallest cuttings has started a bud, I have heard people remark that they have had cuttings flower before, but I don't know how common it is. I hope I did the right thing, it was in water (it had two roots on it about 1/2 inch long) and when I saw the bud I thought I'd better plant it. So I've got my fingers crossed.